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Our programs are made possible by the donations made by generous members of our community. Because of your help, we are able to do what we do best: teaching our youth to become productive members of society. 

Over the last year, in addition to our Before & After School & Summer Programs at the Sanford Center and Outreach at Loess Hills, West Middle and West High Schools, we have:
●  Launched additional School Age Care (Before & After School & Summer) Programs in the former Siouxland Christian School Building. It serves families from Sunnyside, Morningside, Nodland and Spalding Park Elementary Schools.
●  Launched a teen life coach program that helps teens navigate peer pressure and peer relationships. This program is for middle school students in sessions over five-seven weeks.
●  Obtained three year commitments for funding from Kind World Foundation and Juvenile Court Services to place an Outreach Specialist at Liberty Elementary.
●  Secured a one year contract with option to renew annually to place an Outreach Specialist in the Dakota Valley School District.

Our progress is made possible by our donors to the Sanford Community Center.
We are respectfully asking you to consider a donation to our children. Your donation will help fund the programs and services vital to those who rely on the Sanford Center for services like Outreach Prevention, Before/After School Care, Summer Program, and more. 


To mail your donation:

Sanford Community Center

1700 Geneva St. 

(712) 252-0581


If you are unable to make a donation, you can still help make a difference by spreading the word and sharing this post. 


Thank you for  your continued support in The Sanford Center, our programs, and the children and families we support. 

Together we can build communities.


Thank You to our Contributors.

Aalfs Family

Aventure Staffing

Avery Brothers

Blanksenship Painting

Bob's Watering Hole

Cemansky Fund

CF Industries

Chesterman Family Foundation

Clausen Family

Cloverleaf Cold Storage

Cordice Family

Cornerstone Church

Elevate Church

Farrels Heating and A/C

First Congregational Church

Gleeson Family

Hauff Family

Helios Foundation

Helvig Farms

IBC Insurance

Kaplan Family
Kind World Foundation



Navarette Family

New Stage Players

Orpheum Theater
Perdue Foods

Record Printing

Rosenthal Family


Rudy Lee Family


Sibley Family

State Farm - Angelo James

State Steel

Swedean & Co

VanVeldhuizen Family

Vining Family

Waitt Institute

Wells Fargo

William Johnson Trust
United Way

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